Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WOW .. I'm impressed I did this!!

After choosing my topic Project Based Learning, I started to research many different site on the Internet and found a great amount of research. I started to put together a Power Point Presentation. I was able to take out the important content for this topic. I feel that project based learning is a great way to have students collaborate and communicate with others and help each other work through problem solving. This type of method also help students to be responsible for there own learning. I really enjoyed the topic and learning more about this.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blog to Blog!!

I have really enjoyed learning about other classmates point of views are on the material of this course. I have learned some really amazing things about my classmates and their knowledge about teaching. This class has taught me not online the technology part but also about how I will be able to run a classroom and my philosphy about technology and the philosphy of other's as well. I have enjoyed all the different ideas and feedback that my classmates have given throughout this semester. My classmates have made some great points on many topics. You can tell the different tools each member of this class has a passion for. I loved so many of the blog designs. I think my classmates did a great job with all their blogs. I wish everyone the best of LUCK!

Classmates' pages that I have Blogged on
1. Pam- Take my Poll
2. Kimberly - Cloze Test
3. Sally - Kidspiration Venn Diagrams
4. Susan - Google Apps
5. Kelly - Make an e-folio!
6. Canaan - Google tools... You Rule!
7.Pat - Survey Monkey
8. Tara- Video
9. Doug M- 3 cheers for engrade
10. Kathleen-Making life easier--- Rubistar
11. Pat- Rubrics 1-2-3
12. Kimberly- It's time to come out.... out of the box
13. Pam- Technology everywhere
14. Corey- arent wiki's enough.. not for google
15. Jessie- Creating inspiration by using inspiration

These are the group projects that I have blogged on
1. Group 6- Constructivist Power Point
2. Lit Tech Sextet - Week three Project
3. Generation Text- Week 4 Project
4. Lit tech Sextet- Week 4 Project
5. Group 6- Week 4 Project

WOW.... the final project!

Project Bases Learning was interesting to me, not only because I was able to become more informed about the topic. This was a very interesting topic to research on because this will be a topic that I Will be using in my classroom. I want my students to be interactive while teaching content. I want my students to put their thinking caps on and explore the different tools that can help them to dig deeper into the content.

The different resources that I read had the same knowledge about Project Based Learning. Some teachers will use this frequently and others will occasionally during the academic year. I think this is a great tool to break up the content and to get the students to engage with others instead of listening to the teacher all the time.

The End is Insight....

It's hard to believe that five weeks have gone by. They were the longest and most intense weeks of any course I have taken at MSMC graduate program. When I started this course I had a basic knowledge of technology. From this course I learned how to use a website, blog, and wiki and how to incorporate these tools into my future classroom. I also like that newsletters can be made on programs such as letterpop and globster. Many of these sites were very informational and a great tool to learn about from the many free sites that are available throughout this semester. I really enjoyed Blogspot,, Take a poll I have learned so much during this semester. Before the class I was not aware of half of the different tools that could be used. I didn't know how to add a you-tube video in a power point presentation, make a Wiki or website. I feel less fear about using the computer from when I began this course. It can be fun and educational for all, not just students. As far as teaching and technology, this is a very important tool that will serve teachers well for the future. I have many notes to explore more deeply many of the tools presented in this class for future reference and reading. Even tho I have overcome so many obstacles with the different tools for technology, I know many more tools are out there that I need to research and become familiar with in order to incorporate them into my classroom. This has been a great and insightful course to take especially since I will be student- teaching in the fall. I hope to be able to bring some of these tool with me this fall!
I definitely have grown in great strides throughout this class. I really thank Kimberly for all her assistance and guidance to help me problem solve through the different tools. As the class moved along I started to get the hang of the different tools and was able to navigate through the different types of technology.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Amazing Newsletter!

This newsletter came out amazing!! We all researched a different topic and them we collaborated on the bakground and researched the site over out skype meetings last week. Then Kimberly did her creative magic and developed a great layout. Glogster seemed to be a fun site with many options to make the design very creative. I was very pleased with the end result! Great Job Team K2TLP!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mind Mapping is FUN!!

1) Discuss the idea that you chose for this project. Why did you choose this idea? What is the learning outcome or expected goal of your mind-mapping? What type of assessment does this tools fit in? In what way will this mind-map tool improve your students’ learning of the concept or the topic?

This was a topic I when creating my Unit Plan. I used the same content material but changed the layout and amount of content covered. This assessment fit into a third grade social studies lesson. This will help students to visualize the material for those students who can visually process better. It also helps them to understand what is expected from them.

2) What did you think was the most important lesson you learned from this activity?

This is a useful tool for a teacher in her classroom. This helps to organize your thoughts and to process what needs to be completed for the lesson or unit plan. This can also be used for the children to create a mind map activity.

3) What did you like or dislike about the software or web-based online mind-mapping tool you used?

I think this software is a great tool to have when designing a unit plan for your students. I also would like to use this with my students to use for didn't content areas. This program is user friendly and easy to trouble shoot with issues you might have. I also think when you have completed the end result the work always looks so clean and organized.

4) What would you do differently next time you do mind-mapping and/or use this tool or you assign it to your students?

For my students i would start off with a easy task for them to get use to the process and an opportunity to explore the different tools.

Take a Poll

The site was a very simple site to use when making a poll. The hardest part was trying to figure out my question and answers for the poll question. Once that was established the rest was history. I was even able to change the color scheme of the poll box. I am really starting to get the hang of these Internet tools that we have been learning about all semester. I would even use this site with my students for them to create different polls about the content we are learning about. i think this is fun way to have the students to be involved with the Internet!