Sunday, July 4, 2010

Learning to change changing to learn!

While watching the video Learning to change changing to learn I was thinking about how different technology is now then back to when I was in school. Education has come a long way since I have been in school. Educators need to keep the students engaged in a lesson. By providing technology into a lesson, this helps the students to stay focused and want to continue to learn. Learning is NOT just about paper and pencil, we need to incorporate prior knowledge and topics students Can relate too. That is what will help them to understand the different concepts.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,

    I loved this video! The light bulb came on when I saw this. I couldn't believe how we have taken the internet and computers for granted. The shift has changed they way we live today~ Students lives revolve around technology and as teachers we need to keep up on this growing trend though at times we don't want to. This is their life and we need to teach them how every they learn. As of right now technology is it for them, but "old fashion" education can still be implemented but not an entire curriculum.
