Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Authentic Assessment with Electronic Portfolios using Common Software and Web Tools

When reading the article on Authentic assessment, I found the electronic portfolios very interesting. This type of tool could help the students to collect their work, select hyperlinks to highlight different material , reflect on their learning, and share their achievements with others.

The teacher can grade the students on their attempt to use the tool and review their portfolios to provide feedback to the student on the great job they are doing and give tips for them to improve.

The purpose of e-portfolio is an authentic assessment to help the student to focus more on communication. Tool capabilities is to have my students have interaction with the teacher. The students have time to organize and create their assignment and the teacher has the ability to review and provide feedback. Internet access depends on the type of ability you have in your classroom or the student has at home. As the teacher you would need to take a poll of which access each student has. With good Internet access so much more is offered to you, in order for you to complete the tasks as a student and a teacher. I think that teachers that have 5 graders or higher, blogging could be a very beneficial tool but the students need to be willing to dedicate themselves to work hard to blog about topics they are learning about in school. This is for students to explore the Internet and maybe come across a video that pertains to the topic they are learning about. I think this can be a great tool for the up grades but not so much for the lower grades.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I to like the idea of portfolio's for all grades and blogs for the upper grades. What other types of authentic assessments would you give your students? What content area do you think you would get a better assessment of your student if you used authentic assessment tool?

