Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week 3 Collaborative Project

My group this week did a fabulous job with our collaborative project. We really worked well with each other and split the different roles to even smaller groups to handle certain parts of the material. It was a pleasure to work with Pat on the lesson plan part. She was very easy going and we spent time collaborating and making the power point presentation. Kathleen and Tara did a great job on the history part of the project. Kimberly is the person that put everything together and did a beautiful job at it. She has been a great asset to this group. Her knowledge of the computer and the programs have benefit us greatly. She has been great at answering question I have had on individual assignments. I really feel that this group has demonstrated great work ethic throughout this course. We have all compromised on many situations to make this group function. I am pleased to have been apart of K2TLP!!

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